Friday, April 01, 2005


its strange that sometimes there is a little voice that tells you where things are going RIGHT! and how its about time something went wrong. seriously baffling but it happens to me and quite often too. thought i'll make note of it this time around.

i dont want to get into the details but the gist of it is that i was having a strong introspective session and i was feeling odd that life in all respects was quite smoothe. infact, knowing me, it was too smoothe to be real. i mean parents were more responsive and my friends were respecting me and wanting to stick around with me so much more... the reson jolly well could be me bieng caught up with exams for a while but still its a very pleasant feeling... all in all i was just about enjoying every bit of it.

then came today... i wake up all grumpy and have a rather lousy morning. nothing much to report but it all just balanced out. had small bikerings and some failed plans. as a matter of fact i just decided to stay out of the way of people and not talk or call anyone dillibrately. seclusion. my comp and i having our little romance. evening brought in some guests and i scrammed out of home just to avoid weird questions. decided to bring in moms birthday so went and got her pastries and pies. teamed up with pop and woke her up at 12... this was the high point of the day... imagine waking up your tired mom from a deep slumber is "the high point"... how rude!

but what the heck. alls well that ends in a well! sleeping now. shall finally switch this poor machine off. hope its better tomorrow.

oh! just heard the pope passed away... God rest his soul. and the souls of all those who have died in the quake and the crash and the suicide cases... may the be at peace. amen

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