Saturday, April 02, 2005

feel good factor

After a long time, I went for a “satsang”… a kind of an intelectual discussion on the writeings of a very accomplished (spiritually that is) personality, Shrimad Rajchandra.

I used to often have these discussions on the way “dharma” is with my grand mother aand after she passed away in June last year, I have barely made an effort to go back to it. I sort of came to know a lot of facts about a life in genral… how we spend most of our time and efforts in “sanculp – viculp” which is, to do or not to do. To accept or not to accept. To take or not to take. We never let things be the way they are. We want all of it to be the way we want it to be. Our POV is all that matters.

Have you noticed, whenever you see a new product that steals your attention, you start to compare it with all you have. The comparison is so subtle and quick that you never realize how much calculation you do when you just finish saying the word “wow” or “yuk” (depending on what your result of comparing shows). For instance, lets say you have a cell phone which is a coloured screen and has a jazzy look. Now you chance upon a cell phone with a one mega pixel camera and integrated flash with a 30 minute video recording capacity… whats your natural reaction going to be? Obviously it’s a “wow” but the minute you see a monochromatic white light single lcd display with no frills… “yuk” is your face reaction. Now just imagine how many such comparisons will you be making in a day, every minute, every second of the day. Cant imagine can you?

It was so nice to know that we are going wrong and the fact that there is a right way. A way that is so much more enlightened by the people who have paved it. it’s a shame that we get blinded by brightness and then just stick to our dim dark regular route. Its almost cemented by the materialistic man who treds every inch of this path every second of his life. and the bright, bumpy road is quite avoidable in our regard.

So today I have felt good about finding a new fact about a thought process that is seductively wrong. I don’t know what I am going to follow but at least I have a choice now… like many of you who are reading this…

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