Thursday, July 06, 2006

What the hell?

One sits at home pondering over what shall be done about boredom. One reads a book and can’t stay up. One plays a computer game only to be frustrated with constant and persistent failure to kill random soldiers and some general as a mission protocol. Then the Lord said… let there be music… and one follows the inner voice to attempt making music.

Proud to present the very first attempt at home production in both, national language and English.

Anno domini

Nishaniyaan (guitars by Austin D'suza)

In case my willing victims have limited downloading problems with their ISP then this link will take you to a page which allows online streaming (for those technologically challenged, you do not have to download these torture-tunes, you can listen to it online by pressing the Play button)

Your feedbacks are NOT welcome... These musical works of art are strictly for the sake of ‘time pass’ and shall not be produced/distributed/copied by anyone in their own interest.

Word of Advice: Wear ear plugs.

1 comment:

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

Rearrange the books on the bookshelf and then rearrange the music collection. Bet by the time you get started on one you won't get to the end. :)