A blog dedicated to my musings of the world and the wanderlust of my mind that refuses to tire and to those who shall make attempts to fathom its shallows... WELCOME!
Monday, July 17, 2006
I, myself, Happy Singh...
... and here is the reason why:-
Proud owner of: SonyEricsson W810i Walkman phone... know more
what is WITH that phone??? yer the third ferfin who got that fone this month! hehehe! congratulations gwouch! maybe you be less gwouchy....once, santa and banta were sitting on a bench feeling happy....and then happy left....hehehehe....
i HOPE that fone didn't come outta da "come-to-pune" fund! hehehe
and enjoy the phone now u have one more gadget to fidgit with .....and try stunts like playing your music which is on the phone from the comp ( coz i believe u have tried the inverse of that .....and u have reached success in it !!! )
PS: when is that song due for production ....oh and also i may be calling shammy to redo "peace enclosed" on sunday
what is WITH that phone??? yer the third ferfin who got that fone this month! hehehe! congratulations gwouch! maybe you be less gwouchy....once, santa and banta were sitting on a bench feeling happy....and then happy left....hehehehe....
i HOPE that fone didn't come outta da "come-to-pune" fund! hehehe
lol on that santa-banta ( happy ) joke
and enjoy the phone
now u have one more gadget to fidgit with .....and try stunts like playing your music which is on the phone from the comp
( coz i believe u have tried the inverse of that .....and u have reached success in it !!! )
PS: when is that song due for production ....oh and also i may be calling shammy to redo "peace enclosed" on sunday
too good for snake, eh?
this from the one once known as the PCO
dude ...i come to your blog ever second day .....WRITE SOMETHING MAN
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