Thursday, December 08, 2005


Have you ever felt like you were never born? There are times when I want to ask my life why it even exists. There are times when I want to ask God to pick up this ‘strip’ of a few days and cut it out of the ‘reel’ of my life so the smoothness is not spoilt. Imagine, you sleep on Tuesday night and wake up on Wednesday next week; and all because the week was going to be a really pathetic one. I don’t know how to complaint about things happening to me when it is not even my fault. Innocence and thoughts of self respect are all questioned in times like this. No, if you are waiting for me to blurt my issue, I will not.

What I have learnt in the process (and this is the most important part) is that taking responsibility is a job that demands responsibility. Stop frowning and twisting your face… you know EXACTLY what I mean. Sometimes it never pays off to be the one doing the entire math. A friend of mine told me, “It’s a thankless job to be a responsible person taking charge”. Now, it’s different when you are running a company or a business because there, you are paying the buggers and they jolly well listen to what you say. But in a class of individuals where each is as important as the next, you can’t be bossing around. The funny part is, you take initiative and if the idea that you took initiative for falls flat on its face, you are blamed. But if the idea works, it qualifies as a ‘job profile’ of the representative. If you do something nice you get three individuals (from amongst those who know you and love you) to come and say, ‘good show’ but if you screw up… fifty faces frowning at yours and fifty voices (which sound like seventy) shouting in your ears about ‘this-is-not-done’ things. It’s not like one gets paid to hear this crap, right? And there are no privileges either. I still have to submit assignments with the rest of the class. I still have to get graded on the shoddy job I have done because I was busy fixing dates with the faculty who could not make it on a Saturday because his aunt’s third cousin’s elder son ran away from home. I still have to be in time for lectures because the attendance is going to be taken by me and it doesn’t matter how late the rest of the class comes because they can shoot their numbers out like I was there to play housie or bingo or something.

Oh forget it! There is virtually no point ranting to a keyboard. No offence to you, dear reader, but in front of me is only a keyboard. I just had so much brewing that it spilt over. I guess, “With great power comes great responsibility”… actually it’s the other way round… but then again, who came first, the chicken or the egg?


Ruth said... changes yet??? tell em to go suck an egg!

i think you da best matter what those fools say! you rock! and u the best most suited person for the job and if they're to blind to see that then boy are they going to be BAD at HR! you give everything your 110% and sometimes, the shitheads of the world just fail to see that, but some people really care about u and know u so gonna kick ass, cuz you jus will!

take care gwouch!


rakshitdoshi said...

aw ruth...

thanks, this means a lot to me... really touched by your confidence in moi.

by the way, you probably have anoyed a lot of ppl who will be reading this post... you know what i mean ;-)

thanks babes.

Ruth said...


me scwawed...


banthehyphen said...

As a wise saint once said... ' It matters not which came first, the chicken or the egg... what matters is that you hide the eggs under the fridge when your parents come visiting'

rakshitdoshi said...

heya muffster... thats flattery... thanks anyway... my ego floats and my head swells to fill empty skies... hehehe... how u doing old buddy... no updates?

divya chandramouli said...

ahem. rant. rant. revisit that line - with great power comes great responsibility. i do have one thing to say though - i doubt anyone is judging you as inefficient. you're the bridge between us and the 'system' and any grievance against the system will be voiced to you. you ought not to take it personally. :) enjoy the vacation! merry christmas!